Golba Music - Music Publishing | Copyright Administration | Software Consultancy

an independent music publishing company, specializing in custom rights' management, operating primarily in Central and Eastern Europe.

Tekst sekcji: SERVICES

Many authors, publishers, artists and other rights’ owners miss out revenue, which is uncollected or wrongly distributed. We help them receive all of their royalties, using our extensive experience, in-depth industry knowledge and own, in-house-developed software.

We concentrate on effective and fast collection of royalties, providing clear reports and detailed analysis of revenue structure – we understand that information on how and where songs are percept is useful for outlining promotion strategy.

We initiate artistic collaborations, placement of music in audio-visual productions and support artists’ development – we understand that creative services give authors and artists the opportunity to grow and be even better financially rewarded.

We also consult administration by designing and implementing software solutions – we understand that eliminating manual entry in the copyright administration allows rights’ owners to devote more time to promoting and licensing their repertoire actively.

Tekst sekcji: MUSIC

We are pleased to work with fantastic authors, artists, publishers and acts. We can help to find the perfect music to complete your creative activity.


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Tekst sekcji: ABOUT

Paulina Golba – music publisher, musicologist, author of rights and royalties management software, fan of international initiatives, which define and improve standards in the music industry (member of: Society-Publisher Forum, CISAC X-Industry Project, DDEX).

Anna Babrakowska – music publisher, graphic designer, singer-songwriter at Youth Novels’ act, fan of music supervision for film/TV series projects.

Tekst sekcji: CONTACT

Golba Music

ul. Chodkiewicza 7 m 88
02-593 Warsaw, Poland


Iwona Skv – Haiku Rebeka – Stars Rosalie., asthma – Światła Pezet feat. Mary Komasa & Hatti Vatti – Time For Us Youth Novels feat. Frank Wiedemann – 2NITE Ania Karwan, Grzech Piotrowski, Kasta – Ostatni Raz – z filmu Jak pokochałam gangstera Kasia Pietrzko Trio – Foggy Dreams (Single Version) Kuba Knap – Mały Świat Brodka – Game Changer